Sunday, October 09, 2005

Summary Report from C.H.I.I. (continued page 2)

The following is a summary report from the Council for Heropower Inquiries and Investigations.Meeting held September 5, 2005 Paragon City Hall. All members and adjuncts present. Subject:Mental Maden/Mental Maden2 Topic:Loss of powers, theft of property (civilian and governmental), possible victim of kidnapping, possible victim of assault with intent to steal, diminish, or alter superpowers. Chair- Brighid Moriera Vice Chair- Professor Hoffman.

The following will be excerpts from the various committee findings based on all testing, interviews and cursory investigation.

Medical [advisory] (Dr. Francisco)-Patient presents as a 26 year old white female with history of extra human powers. Patient complains of black out episode and amnesia from approximately August 27 to September 1. Patient has a history of Glioblastoma Multiform at age 8. The tumor started in the patients limbic system spreading through the right hemisphere to the right Broadmans region in what appeared to be a perfect isosceles triangular plane just 1 to 3 cell layers thick. The tumor was treated with large doses of radiation and gamma knife therapy. Treatment decreased cell population then lead to coagulation necrosis with fibrinoid degeneration of vascular walls, leaving nothing but what we will call the scar mass. After 4 months of intense therapy the treatment was successful and the cancer has since been in remission. Almost immediately after her last round of radiation it was discovered she had "special talents".

I have seen the patient once a year since then with no recurrence or change in her condition. On September 1 the patient came to me with concerns of loss of said powers and more importantly the black out with memory loss. After bloodwork it was determined that her white cell count was within the norm and other bloodwork showed no signs of malignancy. I ordered MRI, CAT scan, and X-ray imaging to be safe. After viewing the images it appeared that the scar mass was now in the left portion of the brain. Again a triangular scar mass but this time going from the left basal ganglia to the left hemisphere then to the Broadman's region.

This my respected colleagues is medically impossible. I had each machine taken apart, then reassembled by experts from their respective companies. I re-imaged the patient and had the same results. There is no known medical explanation for this. I have searched every database known to medical science and have found not one case even remotely similar. Moving a tumor scar that big would mean certain death.

I have known her since childhood; and while I talk to her I still see that strong little girl. What grace and strength she showed all of those who treated her. She touched my life and seeing her grow into one of the cities most respected heroes has been most gratifying. But considering that you cannot verify her identity I dare not say it is the same person. I know in my heart it is the same little girl, but as a man of science I cannot rule out something sinister in the works. I think it would be unwise to let her patrol the city in any capacity until you know more or verify her identity. With that I leave you with a heavy heart. JLM Fransisco M.D.

Science-Mutations and DNA (Dr. Meredith Decanale)- DNA and blood tests show no known mutagens or DNA sequences that could cause a known mutation. Now given that mutation science is so new and only a handful of people in the world even understand it, we could very well have a new sequence that has yet to be identified. The problem is we have no baseline sample of the subject. When ordered the sample showed to have been in a crate stolen from an armored car robbery by Vahzilok gang members three months ago while being transferred to our new storage facility. The crate has since not been recovered. The samples are not labeled and there is no reason to believe they didn't think they were stealing money or other valuables. I would guess they probably threw it out when they saw what they had. If Dr. Vahzilok discovers what he has I pray for the city. Look at what Crey has done with the Paragon Protectors. I feel this crate should be a priority considering recent events.

With regards to the current subject at hand. She should not be on patrol, given any clearance, and should be under constant guard. The police department should find and retrieve the sample and when her identity is verified then reinstate her as a hero. Thank you.

Psychology (Dr. Wainwright J. Haverschmidt)- The subject presents with a myriad of early and late childhood traumas that would leave most people dramatically unstable, or at the least damaged. Given those factors and the fact she has, in adulthood, chosen a path ripe with psychological trauma (note- 60% of all heroes suffer from one or more psychological disorders), it amazes me how balanced and strong she appears. Childhood cancer, early death for not one but both parents, it amazes me she is in as good a shape as she is.

The fact that she has never had therapy, claims to have had a "good upbringing considering", has not had a sustained romantic relationship in several years, and turned down her placement at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, concerns me greatly. Although my session was too brief to diagnose pathology I would be concerned that she is repressing stress, anger and fear. This all could be her bodies way of shutting down the stress and trauma in her life. I feel she needs intense therapy, which I would gladly provide for the city. My professional opinion is it best for her not to return to hero work, until I can assess her mental state more thoroughly. Dr. W. J. Haverschmidt.

more to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may want to think about sending a completed episode arc or issue to the Fan Fiction Database, they may publish it in the CoH comic book. It's worth the shot IMHO.