Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Part 7: The bitter chill of morning air and disappointment

I sat rocking on the bed for an eternity. I was strung out with stress and anxiety. The taste of bile mixed with the nausea waging war with my insides. I was cold. I checked the thermostat innumerable times. Temperature was fine. It was me. I've had nightmares before, believe me, going through juvenile cancer will cause bad dreams. This was different because it all felt so real. I was losing it and noone could help me. Wait....I have friends....They will help me....Dr. St. John Smythe...he will help. No I have noone. I felt powerless....weak....ineffective.....paranoid. Every shadow turned into the bird's shadow. Every sound from the street sounded like the cries of the dying in that unnamed city. The vastness of the Shadow Shard drained my will. My brain hurt....it vibrated...my brain vibrated...The tumor??? or just stress....should I call my doctor. The clock mockingly glowed 4:47. I passed out with exhaustion. This time no flashes....just paralyzing sleep.

I woke to loud beeping. I knew the sound, it wasn't an alarm it was my CommUnit. I shook my aching head, focused my eyes and grabbed the unit. The clock read 5:33. Who needs me now....Who knows my new alias?

"Miss Mental! Miss Mental!" It was Winter and she sounded frantic. "Mental I.....uh....you need to come to the base of the statue, right now."

"Winter, Winter, calm down, I'll be there. Give me a minute"

I went to the closet and grabbed my uniform. (The one I had never seen before the other day) I locked the apartment and took the elevator to the street trying to brush the cobwebs from my mind. I should have brushed......vomit breath. The morning was cold, but a good cold, it woke me up made things more clear.

As I approached the statue I could see Winter sitting on the foot of the statue, her head down almost in shame. She slowly looked up at me her eyes circled black with exhaustion and strain. I didn't have to ask her I could see. She'd been speeding around the city all night, nonstop, as she was trying to do this task for me. Her head fell back as soon as it looked up. She didn't want me to see her disappointment.

"I think I failed you Mental. I'm so sorry. I went to the places you told me and talked to some...Some were gone...I tried...I've been running all night........"

"Winter, settle down, tell me whats wrong. Take a breath."

She inhaled and exhaled. She looked down again.

"I'm sorry Mental but they can't come...."

"Its ok I didn't expect them all to come. I mean it was last minute." I laughed.

"No, none of them can come. None of them"

"None? Hoard?"

"He's moved ....I couldn't find him at his old house, so I sent him an offline message."

"Tellania?" I asked

"Shadow Shard Task Force."(hmmm,That may come in handy) "Another offline message. The Troll Princess is somewhere on a lead about her brother. Her assistant said she's in one of her moods. Solar Mistress wouldn't answer. Not sure about her. But you know."Her finger circled the side of her head. The crazy sign.

"Well Medistar and Tetsujin Kaga now they....."

"Medi is rumored to be doing cross dimensional work on Earth Virtue(an alternate Earth dimension) I uh heard he looks different there, uh nevermind. Anyway, Tet's in Japan at some food competition. Again, offline messages. The only one I actually talked to was May and she's sick. Flu. I told her she needed to drink lots of fluids and lots and lots of Vitamin C.....I never get sick cause I drink lots of water and take vitamins...you know I read somewhere..."

"Winter, focus!" I half yelled. Her dazed eyes focused at this order.

"Oh, sorry, I went to see her. Just now. Woke her up but did make her breakfast and ran to the pharmacy for her and got her some medicine and vitamins..."


"Sorry, sorry, anyway she gave me a name. Her niece or something. She said she's new in Paragon and could help you early on. She's a new hero, too." she realized what she had said. "I mean...I didn't mean you were a new hero.. I just mean someone to team with since they are all gone for now and you know I don't think I will be able to for awhile. I'm tired. Really tired."

I laughed and looked at her sagging posture with pride and pity. She was spent. The poor thing ran herself to death for me. "You did well Winter, don't be worried. They all got the messages. Thats all that matters. They will come through; they always do. I don't want you patrolling or mishing (hero term for running missions) for anyone for awhile. I want you to rest and study. Now go home. And thank you so much for your hard work."

She looked up and smiled. Approval revived her and ZIP she was off. She was three blocks away when she turned and waved goodbye. I laughed and turned toward my building. At least I had a name of someone to team with until the others came back: Linceti May.

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